Presentation Day
I'm back! Yesterday was our Senior SEM-posium. In short, it was time for each student in the senior seminar class to present a 10 to 12...
Day 15: Articulation Exercises
Today I focused on working on Skinner's many exercises on articulation. The focus of this is repeating for clarity. You want to work for...
Day 14: Soft Palate, Lips, Tongue
Today's work started with the soft palate. The exercise is as follows: Standing upright, imagine a yawn in the throat and then yawn...
Day 13- A Year of Yes
Today I repeated the exercises I worked on yesterday in regards to facial muscles, neck and shoulders, and the lower jaw. It was good...
Day 12:Warm Up Exercises and Phrases
While Skinner's book Speak with Distinction does not focus on exercises like Linklater's text did. However, there were a few example...
Day 11: An Overview on Skinner
As mentioned on the basic information page, Edith Skinner’s vocal training techniques is extremely similar to Kristin Linklater's...

Day 10: The Voice, Factors
As mentioned briefly on the information page, Berry believes there are four main factors that influence the voice including environment,...
Day 9: Muscularity and the Word
The ninth day was spent working on the other set of exercises Cicely Berry focused on, muscularity and word. She argues that once you...

Day 8: The Voice, Factors
As mentioned briefly on the information page, Berry believes there are four main factors that influence the voice including environment,...

Day 7: Relaxation and Breathing
Today I had rehearsal for the staged reading, Ouroborro, I am directing for the advanced playwriting class. It is an awesome group of...